Heard of the term 'Catwalk' and ever wondered where it came from? Well, it's claimed that the very term was coined in the historic Walled City of Derry~Londonderry. 

If you've visited our historic Walled City then you'll know we're famed for being the only completely intact Walled City on the island of Ireland, and one of the finest examples of Walled cities in Europe. If you've walked on our City Walls, which are around one-mile in circumference and encompass the old City then you'll know that they vary in width - between 12ft and 35ft. 

One of the widest parts of the Walls is the Grand Parade. It was this particular area in which the phrase 'catwalk' originated. It is claimed a writer who worked for a national newspaper in London was visiting the area and noted that people walked like 'cats' on this part of the Walls; dressed in their finest outfits they wanted to see others and to be seen themselves! It's claimed that this is where the term 'catwalk' originated.